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Palm Trees

go on then,
if you must...

We can't stress enough that your presence at our wedding is the best present of all but we know some of you may want to mark the celebration with a small gift.

 As you know we love to travel, and what we would love to do most of all is to create memorable experiences on our honeymoon.

Should you want to give us a gift on our wedding day, a contribution to our honeymoon fund would be incredible. 

You can gift to our honeymoon fund using either of our bank details provided.

If you have a UK 🇬🇧 account... Name: Rebecca Price Sort code: 23-08-01 Account number: 97672653 IBAN: GB17 TRWI 2308 0197 6726 53

If you have an AU 🇦🇺 account... Name: Lawless P J, Price R Bank: ANZ BSB: 016080 Acc Number: 421370181

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